

I moved to Nevada to be with horses. This is Cooper in my front yard in Las Vegas two miles from the famous Strip.

There were always horses, invisible friends, little plastic ones lined up on the window sill, drawn in black crayon in secret under the kitchen table, running beside the car, haunting my poems, and visiting in my dreams. I read every horse book in the library  and I practiced drawing herds of them on the back of Grandma’s rolls of wallpaper until they would fill an entire room.

The real ones didn’t come until later. A little gray Arab was delivered back to the horse dealer while I was there. Another teenage girl discovered boys, he said, and the Mom didn’t want to spend any more money feeding the horse. Our eyes met and he became our first horse, Kahlil.


This blog won’t be just about horses, but there’s bound to be a lot of them, and some art, my art mostly. I’m an artist.



There will be some Trader Joe’s stuff. That’s where I spend most of my days and a good deal of my energy, yeah a little shopping but a whole lotta signs, I’m a sign artist.



There will be hounds,



And some darned pretty Las Vegas skies.


Thanks so much for stopping by.

Pam Tanzey, Artist and Sign Goddess


29 Responses to About

  1. Allyson Mellone says:

    Cheers to your passion! Treasure it! 🙂

  2. Pam, I am green with envy over your talent! I am oohing and ahhing over all of your artwork. The dogs are wonderful, but your work with Trader Joe’s is so great, too, and you have such beautiful horses. Really lovely blog.

  3. pamtanzey says:

    Thank you Maddie! I really appreciate your comments especially after visiting your blog. I am still laughing from Fun at the Local Best Buy!

  4. pamtanzey says:

    Thank you Allyson!

  5. We are pretty silly. My blog has no idea what it wants to be, so I fly by the seat of my pants. I’m so glad we connected today. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  6. I’ve nominated you for a Beautiful Blogger Award. You can choose to participate or not. It’s up to you. To read more about it, go to my post
    http://purplerosemary.com/2012/10/13/beautiful-blogger-award/ and find directions. As well as a list of other bloggers I’ve nominated.

  7. I love your work…especially the dogs!! what fun to paint all the lusciousness in a trader joes!! thanks for popping in today too 🙂

  8. Arianne Z. says:

    Your sketches are crazy good!

  9. pamtanzey says:

    Thank you and thanks for stopping by!

  10. Great that you have a day job that is linked to your passion!

  11. pamtanzey says:

    It’s been fun! I do enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. Hi Pam! Awards ceremony at my place today. You have been awarded the Blog of the Year 2012 Award. http://breezybooksblog.wordpress.com/2012/12/30/overture-curtains-lights/ 🙂

  13. Mancakes says:

    Omigosh, you are SO talented! I’m glad you swung by my site because now I can check yours out…awesome! 🙂

  14. pamtanzey says:

    Thanks so much!!

  15. JulesPaige says:

    I like small crafts too. My words are my current brushes. I know what you mean about everyday.
    Bookmarking you back. Thanks.

  16. Love your work! thinking about getting involved with the Trader Joe’s here in Marietta, GA if I can. Thanks for the inspiration- you have a great eye for illustration.

  17. pamtanzey says:

    Hi Justin, Thank you! Good luck to you! Let me know if you come on board.
    thanks so much for stopping by.

  18. avsweb1 says:

    Thanks for liking my post. I really enjoyed your blog.

  19. terryb says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I’ve been enjoying yours and will be following. I see we read the same all-things-horses books as kids 🙂

  20. Start the march by spreading love. Here i have a task nomination for you.. Feel free to accept or otherwise.. 🙂

    Love in 10 sentences

  21. cloudfreekat says:

    I love how visual this is!

  22. nadya says:

    Oh, wow! This is a very interesting about page! I am instantly inspired. Your art is super amazing, you got yourself a new follower here 🙂

  23. pamtanzey says:

    Thanks so much!

  24. Rachel says:

    The little follow picture widget in your side bar is cute.

  25. Scarlett79 says:

    Las Vegas is one of my happy places. Love it. The mountains, the sky and yes even the heat. Oh and I love the shows and the food and maybe a little gambling ❤

  26. Pingback: THE VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD | themissiontomars

  27. Hi 🙂 I have nominated you for the Versatile Blog Award. You can find the rules on https://themissiontomars.wordpress.com/2015/04/02/the-versatile-blogger-award/
    I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

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