Friday Fictioneers- The Library

It’s Friday Fictioneers time:


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end using the photo below copyright Claire Fuller, as a prompt.

Copyright-Claire Fulller

Check out some of the other cool stories at Friday Fictioneers.  Now here’s mine: 100 words.

The Library

Grandpa loved his books. Grandma said he only married her because she owned a set of World Book Encyclopedias. When I was five he built a book ladder just for me. I was his personal librarian. After dinner he’d say pick us out a good book. I’d find one on the tippy-top shelf then sit cross-legged on the ladder reading to him while he enjoyed a cigar. It was our special time.

Grandpa loves his books. He picks out one for me to read to him when I visit. He knows I know but he’s not ashamed anymore.


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23 Responses to Friday Fictioneers- The Library

  1. Sandra says:

    Beautiful! Such a sensitive take on the prompt. Well done.

  2. elappleby says:

    Lovely story. How hard it would be, though, to have all those books and not be able to read.

  3. Dear Pam,
    Well written story with pathos. The last line left me with questions.

  4. You said a lot in those few words. Nice.

  5. I love this. the last line was really great (at least the way I understood it)

  6. I’ve often thought about the difficulties of being functional illiterate and I can’t imagine how difficult it must be. I’ve read about how people cope and I also think about all the joy they miss from not being able to read. That’s why at some point in my life, I’d really like to tutor people who need help with reading. This was a unique and touching take.


  7. What a sweet story about a loving family 🙂 !

  8. Shreyank says:

    Beautiful story .. Especially the last line 🙂

  9. pamtanzey says:

    Thank you! I enjoyed yours very much!

  10. pamtanzey says:

    Thank you for your kind comment Janet. I think that would be a wonderfully rewarding experience.

  11. Lovely, tender story. The fact that he could not read touched my heart….for personal reasons.

  12. The Real Cie says:

    Very nice story. I think it could be the beginning of a longer one, if you saw fit.

  13. pamtanzey says:

    Thanks so much!

  14. pamtanzey says:

    Thank you! I might consider that.

  15. pamtanzey says:

    Thank you! Especially about the last line.

  16. pamtanzey says:

    Thank you Rhythm!

  17. pamtanzey says:

    Thank you Rochelle!

  18. camgal says:

    I was lol after the first three lines 🙂 nice one, he married her because of books…not cooking or facial features hehe

  19. You are so good with these flash fiction stories, Pam! I’m happy you’re participating. Did you have World Book Encyclopedias at the ready when you were young? We used to read them like story books. The were wonderfully politically incorrect thirty years ago and just told about everyone and everything in the most wonderful way.

  20. pamtanzey says:

    I loved them! The flash fiction has been a lot of fun and huge challenge to use only one hundred words as I can yammer on and on. It’s making me braver too showing my stories. Thanks Maddie!

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